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Precinct 1                                                   Precinct 2
2024 Election Dates
General Election - Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Absentee Voting Applications
Applications for absentee voting in the November General Election are still available by registering online at

If you are interested in voting absentee please select the link above or the absentee ballot application button under important links and return your application to the Vernon Township Clerk.

Absentee voter applications can be ma
iled to the township clerk by using the prepaid envelope provided with your application or placed in the election receptacle located at the Vernon Township Hall at 6801 S. Durand Rd, Durand MI 48429.

Absentee Ballots
Special Notice: Due to ongoing litigation and supply shortages, ballots for the November 5, 2024 general election have been delayed.  As of Friday, October 4, 2024 all individual's requesting a ballot has had one mailed to them.  We will work diligently to get those requests that come in after October 4, 2024, out as soon as possible. 

Absentee Ballots are scheduled to begin being mailed after September 26, 2024. The USPS cannot forward election mail.  If you will be at an alternative address during the election cycle, you must register that address with the Township Clerk.  This can be done by either noting it on your election application for absent voters or clicking the link "Register alternative ballot address" from the Important Links menu.  As of January 1, 2025, applications to vote absentee will no longer be mailed unless requested. If you have elected to be placed on the permanent ballot list, you will receive your ballot automatically for each election held in Vernon Township.  For individuals on the permanent ballot list, if you know you will be away from your primary residence 40 days before an election and wish to receive your ballot at an alternative address, you must register that address with the Township Clerk. 

Early Voting
With the passing of Proposal 2, the 2024 election cycle will now have early voting for all local and federal elections.  Early voting for Vernon Township will be administrated by the Shiawassee County Clerk.
Dates for early voting are: 
General Election October 26, 2024 through November 3, 2024

All Early voting will be held at the SGT Clay W. Reeve's Veterans Center located at 1042 N. Shiawassee St, Corunna MI 48817

Important Links

Election Information

The polls in Michigan are open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.




*Effective November 6, 2007, picture ID is required to vote or the voter must sign an affidavit attesting that they are not in possession of picture identification.

Absentee Ballot:

An absentee ballot is available to you for no reason.

Absentee ballots are available by submitting an application or by written request. A voter wishing to vote by absentee ballot may do so up to and including Election Day.

Absentee Ballots are available by submitting the application below.

Ballot to be returned to the Clerk:

Vernon Township Clerk

Susan Bannister

PO Box 354

Durand, Michigan 48429

Voter Registration Opportunity:

In Person - Vernon Township Clerk's Office, Monday's from
9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.  and 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. at the Vernon Township Hall 6801 S. Durand Road, Durand.


Mail In- Voter registration forms are available on-line, and at the Township Clerk's Office. 


Any Secretary of State’s Office - Young adults may register to vote before they are eighteen (18), if they will be eighteen years old by the date of the election in which they wish to vote. 

The Vernon Township Clerk is available by appointment on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays.  If you require assistance from the clerk, please feel free to contact the clerk via email at or by phone on the above days at 989-288-4425. 

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