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Vernon Township
6801 S. Durand Road, Durand, MI 48429 Phone: 989-288-4403 Fax: 989-288-3777
Candidate Information
Filing Deadlines
Those individuals interested in running for a position on the Township Board must file a nominating petition and affidavit of identity to the Township Clerk no later than Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm.
Nominating Petitions
Nominating petitions are available upon request at the Township Clerk's office on Mondays between noon and 3:00 pm. Individuals unable to pick up during this time frame may make an appointment with the Township Clerk by contacting her at or by phone at 989-288-4403 or 989-288-4425.
For more information on being a candidate please see the Secretary of State's website or click on a link below
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