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Candidate Information

Filing Deadlines

Those individuals interested in running for a position on the Township Board must file a nominating petition and affidavit of identity to the Township Clerk no later than Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm. 






Nominating Petitions

Nominating petitions are available upon request at the Township Clerk's office on Mondays between noon and 3:00 pm. Individuals unable to pick up during this time frame may make an appointment with the Township Clerk by contacting her at or by phone at 989-288-4403 or 989-288-4425. 


For more information on being a candidate please see the Secretary of State's website or click on a link below

The Vernon Township Clerk is available by appointment on Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays.  If you require assistance from the clerk, please feel free to contact the clerk via email at or by phone on the above days at 989-288-4425. 

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